Nightingale Infant & Nursery School

Data Handling

Bar chart A chart that displays information using blocks of different heights displayed on axes. 
Block graph A simple chart which displays information using blocks, displayed on a horizontal axis labelled with categories, and a vertical axis labelled with numbers. Each block represents one unit. 
Chart Another term for a graph or other way of presenting information. 
Data handling Now known as Statistics. The area of maths which looks at representation and analysis of information through charts and graphs. 
Graph A pictorial way of representing and comparing information. Types taught in primary school include block graphs, bar charts, pictograms, pie charts and line graphs. 
Pictogram A chart or graph which uses pictures to represent data. They are set out the same way as bar charts but use pictures instead of bars. Each picture could represent one item or more than one. 
Standard and non-standard units Standard units are the common units used in measurement, for example centimetres, litres, grams. Non-standard units are used for measurement with younger children, to introduce them to the concept of measuring – for example, they might investigate how many cupfuls of sand fill a bucket, or how many cubes weigh the same as a book. 
Tally chart A chart used for the initial collection of data. Usually presented as a table with different categories along the top or down the side, and tallies (groups of 5 marks) used to show how many in each category. One vertical mark represents one item, and when five are counted the fifth mark is crossed through the first four. 
Venn diagram A way of sorting information using two or more circles, which may or may not be overlapping.